Theoretical issues of formation and phase transformations of the systems of international interactions are analyzed. They are viewed by the author as the series of international relations and beams of international processes, fostered by the ‘original’ processes of inter-social exchanges, relevant to the subjects.Sector and branch complexes of international interactions develop in accordance with in-social and inter-social synchronization. Moreover, the whole system of international relations dully fulfills phase transitions, which are relevant to the open dissipative systems. The logical series of main phase transitions of the systems of international interactions, set forth in the article, shall be applied to the analysis of specific international problem situations.It is proved that the systems of international interactions act also as interneuron, which transmits outside incentives to locomotive and sensory neurons of each of the “individual communities”, whose sum of interactions form the human society organism on the Earth.Key words: international interaction, incentives, resistance, social organism, phase space, phase transitions, attractor.References
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